You know, it's one thing when a product has a limited scope and application. It's another when it's passed off as something greater than what it is. Learn why these fad devices are fad devices in this video. Here's some of the stuff I referenced; First, the channel HVACR Videos. This really is a fascinating channel if you're curious about what goes into commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and is a great resource for anyone looking to go into that trade; The video I specifically referenced with the swamp cooler was actually two; in the second video, the swamp cooler is rebuilt. Second, my old plugs; Rice cooker: Portable air conditioners: Other assorted links; Technology Connextras (the second channel that stuff goes on sometimes): Technology Connections on Twitter: The TC Subreddit This channel is supported through viewer contribution on Patreon. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Technology Connections has remained independent and possible. It's how I can make fun of products like these! If you'd like to join the amazing people who've pledged their support, check out the link below. Thank you for your consideration! And thank you to the following patrons! reavisrk ., coudy , Matthew Stoldal, Nathan Lawrence, Charles Gillanders, Gavin , Danielle Duarte, sheepish.alpaca , Juhani Saarinen, Ashley Hakker, M10360 , Salvatore Nuzzo, Jake Austin, Thibault Martin-Lagardette, Eric Hoppe, Rob Lion, Nikolaus , Ohad Lutzky, Marek Standio, John Julian, Edward Harris, Jean-Baptiste Dubois, Michael Young, Mirror, Rebecca Valentine, Justin Howell, wingee , Cyle Lapread, Cmdr MadMax, Chris Miller, David Cawthon, Brian Taylor, Arnas , Jacob Kubacki, Steven West, Bob Meyers, BEAVIS, Rabbits Watching, Michael, Ross George, Kael, Merton Hale, Nodar Rocko Davituri, Dawn Swain, JCRail , Bill Holland, James , Micah Catlin, AZbytes , Sebastian Schagerer, cody thompson, Francis O'Brien, Bryan Culver, John Goldhamer, Bob Holt, John-Paul Holt, Alex Nelson, Ruleryak, Andrei Blinov, Andrew Rogers, wholegroanoats , Michael Pecorini, Torte Hanrahan, Jamie Mastro, Shivan , Sound Board, Ethan Pierce, Danila Alpatov, XPEric , NQR , Stuart Macdonald, Kelvin Hall, Shut up and take my money, Jeff Powell, Anthon Hintzen, Devin Luxner, CJ Mariani, Stefan Kaczmarek, Timm B, Stefano, Harrison Wright, Ytak , Wolf Tolbert, DeepestBlue , Nhan L, John Fitzgerald, Sebastien De Groof, Robert T Kirton, Juha Kuikka, Maggie Danger, Jay 'Unionize Everything Except Cops' Logan, Conduit of Queerness, Mage of Life, Matthew Lowe, An Ho, Steven Byrum-Bratsen, Sean Callinan, Scott Schreiber, Mitch Buchan, Anicra , Nathan Goddard, Sarah Collie, Maxime André, Konstantin Podleski, Chaos215bar2 , Michael Grados, Daniel Nefzger, Matias Mariani, Horatio Low, JoeAverage, Christopher Barback, yetanothername , Synoiz , Chip , Ulises Vargas, Jennifer Rae Fuchek, Adrian Bridgett, John Gjonola, Chad Gertz, Zhongchao Qian, Sean Murphy, Erica Eagles, Robey Pointer, Hayden Taylor, Hastin Zylstra, Aimee Kidrick, Alexander folk, Matt Gibbons, Omnizen, Zach Bean, Myles Hecht, Jack Knight, Peter Bergström, Maximilian Bork, Kevin Mckendree, Peter Amling, Ryan Duryea, David Ziemlak, GGreathouse , Stephen A. Wilson, Sam Becraft, Chris Benejam, Veronica Cary, Vincent Sandstoe, Craig P Steffen, Robert Mikhayelyan, Corey Ogburn, Harlan , Mike Stunes, William Leonard, Cory King, Matt Braun, Eugene Arutchev, Steven Fazzio, Dennis Roberts, Harrison Co, Michael Cafarelli, Justin Patriquin, THISGuy, Vincent Venezia, Doug Wallace, Brad Quinn, Austin F, Jim Puls, Zachary W Collins, Alex, Ross James, Jonfidential, Lillian Fleming, Jason Durbin, Kevin McClaning, Keith Ditchman, Andrew Minior, ventusignis, Jeremy Iamurri, Michael, Skoddie , Onzo Anderson, Alix Odendhal, bd_, Benjamin Gouveia, Ryan Doucet, Billy H, Sean Crocker, Phillip M, Robert Cole, iain , Ross Carter, Ted Flores, Jakub Strzyżewski (jeikobu__), Robert Fares, Neptunium Fluoride, Fangzahn Aviation Studios, insidelexis, Aaron Binns, Matthew Yu, Johannes Wüller, Adam Golden, Rustmane Skytrekker, John J Yang, Matthew Hilder, leastbad, Joe Pannullo, Solus, Christopher Ottman, Gyiyg, Alex Conner, Colin Williams, Martin M, Jim Gilsinan, Fox E. Wolf, Michael Goode, Julian Freeman, Ed Torres, Jon-Håkon Røli, Matt Wright, Gunplumber , Bane Williams, vinny rapisarda, Kara Danvers, Manuel Garcia, Tristan Petry, Matthew Lucas, Doomerdinger , Udo Strass, Jonathan Polley, Alexander Davis, SomeonesGonnaPayForThis , Thomas Rowan, Robert Valdimarsson